


Amiga Future






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The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.

The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.
The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.

The Amiga Future 167 was released on the March 5th.
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Amiga Cheats :: Levelcodes

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System: ECS Cheats Levelcodes Freezer Maps Solutions Downloads   Info
01.01.2016 - 00:00

Level 1: GS GS GS GS GS    8: BH LK RH BQ GS
      2: PK BH GS BH GK    9: BH RH BH GS PK
      3: BQ BH BH BH RH   10: RH RH PK PK BS
      4: LK RH PK BH GK   11: RH BH GS GS RH
      5: GK BQ RH RH GS   12: BQ LK GK BS GS
      6: BS PK LK LK LK   13: BS BH BH RH BS
      7: BQ LK BH RH BQ   14: LK LK GS RH GS

     15: GS GS RH BH PK   22: BH GS BQ BH GS
     16: RH LK PK PK BQ   23: RH LK BQ GK GK
     17: BQ PK PK LK RH   24: BQ BQ GK PK PK
     18: LK RH BQ RH LK   25: GK PK PK GK GS
     19: -- -- -- -- --   26: LK PK LK PK BQ
     20: PK BS BH RH GK   27: BS GK PK GS LK
     21: GK PK GK GS LK   28: BQ BQ BS BQ BQ


BH = blauer Haken
BQ = braunes Quadrat
BS = blauer Stern
GK = grünes Kreuz
GS = gelber Stern
LK = lila Karo
PK = pink Kreis
RH = rotes Herz